Wednesday 30 June 2021

Career in Management



While well-established Indian companies like Bisleri, Parle Products, Patanjali, and Amul had figured out the value of being a Swadeshi company, new Indian startups are yet to learn the ‘Vocal for Local’ is an advantage.

For those of you who have tuned out the news to maintain sanity, on May 13, 2020, India’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi incited the nation to buy, value, and feel proud of local products. 

In the competitive world of smart technologies, many individuals are enthusiast about initiating a startup with their brilliant idea. But considering the facts and survey results of the past 5 years, it seems that many startup companies fail to survive even for 12 months. Shocking, isn’t it?

But why really is that happening? Considering the fact that the idea they are trying to realize is OUT-OF-THE-BOX, these influencers fail to convince the prospects into committed clients.

One of the major factors that play a definite role is startup funding. You might have a great idea in your head, but if you do not possess monetary to realize the same into a living reality, you might just be wasting your time then my friend! To push ‘Vocal for Local’ and support the program pragmatically, an unload of the amount of Rs. 20 lakh crores was announced under Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan Package which supports MSMEs profoundly. India’s finance minister, Nirmala Sitharaman, gave details about reforms to support stressed businesses.

Therefore, the ‘Vocal for Local’ is most certainly helpful to the Indian startup ecosystem as many of these startups would fall under MSME. These startups can grow to a certain size without losing their MSME tag. Above that, it presents a great opportunity for Indian startups to integrate themselves in the GVC (Global Value Chain) and get global from local.

Sprinkling & Newfangled Specialization in MBA

MBA in Health Care Management is one such professional course that is taking leap among several MBA aspirants. It helps the students oversee the operations and services that are offered in a healthcare facility. This is one of the best courses for interested students as it offers various opportunities in the healthcare industry.

Career Options after MBA in Health Care Management

There are a number of career options available for students who aim to enroll themselves for a course in this field. The options include:

•             Healthcare consultant for niche boutique health consulting firms, IT consulting firms that do life sciences work, health insurers and health systems

•             Hospital CEO

•             Hospital Administrator

•             Hospital CFO

•             Product management for medical device companies

•             Pharmaceutical Product Manager

•             Product marketing for research organizations, biotech firms or medical device companies

•             Medical Practice Manager

•             Data Analytics and Competitive Intelligence across the sector (biotech/pharmaceuticals, medical device companies, health IT)

•             Health informatics Manager

MBA in Rural Management – 

A Promising Sector

“The programme is meant for those students who wish to participate in nation building in rural India which has a very high demand for professionals.”

According to a report by the Ministry of Rural Development, under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS), 4.67 crore rural households were provided employment in 140.24 lakh works and in the process 187.91 crore person days of employment were generated.

Career in Computer & IT



India is moving towards  a technologically advanced nation and our government is trying their best to successfully accomplish the mission of ‘Digital India’’ to make this industry as one of the most evolving industry of 21st century. This industry provides plethora of suitable job opportunities for students who are fascinated by computer and want to excel in IT sector.

With rapid advancements in technology creation and application, it is imperative to skill the future workforce on new-age skills to ensure inclusive economic growth and social development.

In simple words it’s important to make the next generation ready for the future led by emerging technologies. DIGITAL India an initiative of Indian Government  aims  to train 10 million people in towns and villages for IT sector jobs in five years.

It also aims to provide training to three lakh service delivery agents as part of skill development to run viable businesses delivering IT services. It also focuses on training of five lakh Rural Workforce on Telecom and Telecom related services and setting up of BPOs in each North-eastern state.

The programme would generate huge number of jobs in IT, electronics and tele communication sector directly or indirectly. This field helps the student to pursue career as computer programmer, marketing manager, software developer, computer system analyst, finance manager, computer support specialist and business analyst.


Data scientist can too expect a boost in jobs and salaries as with 5g network focusing on diversification in handling as much processing as possible at network stage, which will make real time analysis most important especially in autonomous vehicles.


According to Hawaii “5g can make it possible for up to one million of various devices to connect with one another on an area of 1 sq kilometre. This means a great deal of potential threats for users securely and privacy cyber security specialist should therefore, expect a whole heap of work to make us sleep soundly”, promising  growing jobs and salaries in this sector.


 With the launch of 5g the job market will see growing demand for cloud computing specialist in coming years as software developers and engineers specializing in handling cloud computing will be sought after and well paid.



AI is the key component in the infrastructure for ensuring that 5g network, in all their complexity can support with AI proving a bright future to this particular sector. According to a report AI industry will be worth US$80 billion by 2024, creating jobs in development, program testing, support and management.

Career in Architecture


The Changing Culture of ARCHITECTURE in Modern India 

The changing culture of architecture in modern India, both as a lifestyle and as a profession, has been eye-opening. In terms of lifestyle, we never predicted the extent to which architecture and design could affect us as well as the society and culture we live in, nor did we predict how deeply symbolic of our beliefs and attitudes they’d become.

As a profession, the huge wave of development and technology that caused us to try and ape everything that didn’t belong to us, has made us question and search for our own identity and provoked us to revisit the solid traditional roots and foundation of Indian architecture.

The Indian government’s massive Smart Cities Mission, which aims to develop 100 sustainable and citizen-friendly cities all over the country, has done very little to include architectural voices into the conversation. Same goes for our heritage structures that are being replaced by modern structures despite resistance shown by architects.

At the onset of your career as an architect, you will be ideally required to understand all the practical aspects of being on the job and strike the right balance between understanding client requirements and coming out with a design, which is creative and practically correct.

Options are available with construction companies, builders, private consultancies, and many more. For those who want to build a career in shaping the country’s future infrastructure, jobs are available in the public sector in departments such as National Institute of Urban Affairs, National Building Organization, Public Works Department, Housing and Urban Development Corporation, Ministry of Defence, Departments of Railways, Post and Telegraphs, Public Sector Undertakings, NationBrinda Somayaal Building Construction Corporation Ltd., Town and Country Planning Organization, etc

Journalism as a Career Option



Career opportunities in mass communication are expected to increase as more than 100 news channels will come up in next five years. Thanks to mass media, news and entertainment job opportunities are aplenty for trained professionals in various roles – particularly in journalism and films.

India being the largest producer of films in the world has ample opportunities. Technically qualified media professionals can work for TV channels, production houses or can make documentaries on their own.

A professional course in mass communication opens doors for a career in films & TV, publishing, public relations, journalism, editing, direction, filmmaking, scriptwriting, production, etc. In nutshell, Mass Communication widens up the horizon of career options for a person.

Depending upon personal interest and inclination a mass communication professional can choose a job. Attractive and high paying jobs as journalist, actor, director, editor, screenwriter, RJ, producer, VJ are available to the talented and trained individuals. While the Indian GDP grew at an abysmal rate of 4.2 per cent in 2019, the rate of growth of the Media and

Entertainment (M&E) sector stood at a considerable 9 per cent and the total value of the sector reached 1.82 trillion. This figure should be enough to indicate that a degree in Communication and Journalism puts an aspirant at a distinct advantage over others.

Contrary to popular perceptions, there are innumerable opportunities in the M&E sector and more particularly in the digital domain, which is growing at an even faster rate. Post the Covid-19 crisis physical interactions among citizens would considerably decrease and this would result in higher consumption of M&E products and consequently, there would be a quantum jump in manpower requirement in the sector, significantly increasing the number of jobs.

Tuesday 29 June 2021

Best Career Options after Covid-19 Pandemic


Career Options after Covid 19

We are passing through a very tough and unpredictable phase in our life. COVID 19 has changed substantially, the way we live. Many newly emerged burning issues stare at us. In “live with COVID” era, many alternatives will be forced to develop to substitute the old style of functioning of man-machine and knowledge delivery.

Field of education too cannot insulate itself from such alternatives and drastic changes are taking place in the educational field too at a rapid pace. Beyond the top band of institutional excellence with private universities setting best practices, Indian academia has been in need of transformation, long before the onset of the pandemic. There is an opportunity to rethink the traditional education system now.

Digital learning is leading the charge as a mainstay, and many new trends are picking up momentum across the globe. Multidisciplinary and modular pedagogy that afford transferable skills and customized learning will succeed. Post-pandemic times could see a blend of e-learning and mainstream face-to-face teaching with a boost from traditional universities and the ed-tech sector.

This year is beginning with a remarkable change in the education as the most awaited new education policy has been announced by the government of India.  The changes in the new education policy will have long-term impact on how the education is delivered and teaching learning is going to take place in this country.

Apex University recognized the possibility of such changes and stated making changes regularly on the basis of recommendation of UGC and other regulatory bodies. The future changes which are going to take please due to the recent announcement of change in the new education policy will also be incorporated in our system at the earliest.

The best part of the new education policy is that no year is wasted and students will get certificate, diploma or degree depending on when he/she drops out whereas earlier if you are unable to clear even one paper all the years of your study are wasted.

Recently we have already introduced the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) as envisaged by the UGC and provides the opportunity for learning to our students such as ability enhancement courses and giving them an opportunity to take electives from different domain of education.

The aim of the university is to provide our student opportunities to learn and excel in the areas of their choices so that their overall development can place.

Many such emerging areas in addition to what we know i.e.,  Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Mechatronics, Big Data Analysis are listed below in which India can also play important role if we make selective investment and nurture our talent in these areas.

The emerging areas to ponder over are; Bio-plastics could solve a major pollution problem as advanced solvents and enzymes are transforming woody wastes into better biodegradable plastics.

Tiny lenses will enable design of miniature optical devices thin, flat metal lenses could replace bulky glass for manipulating light. A special class of proteins offers promising targets for drugs for cancer, Alzheimer’s  and new possibilities for treating cancer and other ills Smarter fertilizers can reduce environmental contamination new formulations deliver nourishment on demand.

Collaborative telepresence could render distance (relatively) meaningless as participants in virtual gatherings will feel like they are physically together. Advanced food tracking and packaging will save lives and cut waste a combination of two technologies could vastly improve food safety.

Safer nuclear reactors are on the way as resilient fuels and innovative reactors could enable a resurgence of nuclear power. DNA data storage is closer than what we think and life’s information-storage system is being adapted to handle massive amounts of information.

We also need to keep in our mind what Mahatma Gandhi has said;

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever”

Career in Hotel Management



INDIA’S POPULATION of 1.3 billion presents a massive potential for the hospitality industry. In 2019, India was the fastest growing economy among the BRICS countries.

That year, India’s travel and tourism sector contributed INR 8, 309.4 billion, amounting to 6.3% of the country’s GDP. This is forecast to rise to INR8, 913.6 billion in 2016, and reach INR18,362.2 billion (7.2% of total GDP) in a decade’s time.

The Indian hospitality industry has experienced prominent growth in recent years due to various factors, including the rising purchasing power of domestic travelers, an increase in commercial development and foreign tourist arrivals, a growing airline industry and government-led initiatives aiming to stimulate the sector.

There is a great deal of scope to expand tourism across India, and as the country improves air travel connections and relaxes visa restrictions, tourist arrivals should increase. With 1 in every 10 jobs worldwide relating to hospitality and tourism, there’s no shortage of opportunities out there for today’s graduates.

And, with an approximate 6 million new job openings across 185 countries being added every year, students of hospitality will find that the world is their oyster.

Not only can they work in hotel operations like their counterparts, they’ve got the freedom to work in hospitality management (HR, finance, marketing, real estate, PR), venue management and event planning, luxury retail and sales, luxury lifestyle services, fine dining and restaurants, health and wellbeing, private clinics, hospitals, consultancy, start-ups and more.

We often plan events locally, but the hospitality industry needs to start thinking internationally. International hotel chains are increasing their presence in the country, and it will account for around 47 per cent share in the tourism and hospitality sector of India by 2020 and 50 per cent by 2022.


Global hotel studies say the industry is expected to see a significant increase in the market need for up-and-coming tourism destinations that previous generations of travelers hadn’t even .

­ Economists say businesses (in any industry) just can’t afford to ignore the effects of globalization — and that having both localized management teams and a centralized oversight hub will likely be the key to sustaining rapid international expansion in the coming years.

Saturday 26 June 2021

Fashion Designing : A Glamorous and Exciting Career


Fashion Designing : A Glamorous and Exciting Career
Dr. Jyoti Saini

I am currently working as HOD in Apex School of Fashion & Design in Apex University. I have master degree in Garment Production and Export Management. I have one year Diploma in Textile Designing. I have completed PhD degree in Garment Production and Export Management from Rajasthan University. I have more than 9 years Experience in this field of educations.

Fashion design is influenced by cultural and social attitudes and has varied over time and price. Fashion design is defined by the creators of new footwear, clothing and accessories. Fashion designing involves a set of skills that range from market research and creativity to sketching and fabric selection.

Fashion design is the art of applying design, aesthetics, clothing construction and its accessories it is influenced by culture and different trends, and has varied over time and place.

Apparently , fashion is not just about clothes , it’s also a style that concerns hair, makeup, garment styling, fashion designers work for apparel manufacturers to create designs for men, women and children’s fashion .

Fashion designers help create the billions of dresses, suits, shoes, and other clothing and accessories purchased every year by consumers. Purchased every year by consumers, designers study fashion trends, sketch designs of clothing and accessories, select colors and fabrics, and oversee the final production of their designs.

The field of fashion is coming up with new innovations, fashion trends in the future among people. Therefore, the job of fashion designing is extremely interesting as it always involves fun and a creative mind when the individual is coming up with a new product, style or design.  

Fashion is a form of self – expression and autonomy at a particular period and place in a specific context, of clothing, footwear lifestyle, accessories, makeup, hairstyle, and body posture. In it everyday use, the term implies a look defined by the fashion industry as that which is trending. Everything that is considered fashion is available and popular by the fashion system (industry and media).

Fashion designing Sectors

The level of focus in the fashion industry consists of many separated but interdependent sectors. These sectors include textile design and garment production, fashion design and manufacturing, fashion retailing, marketing and merchandising, production manager, quality controller, fashion show and media marketing.

Keeping up with the fashion trends

The fashion industry is a rapidly changing industry. The industry has something new to offer with every passing season. That is why it is very important for aspiring fashion designers to keep up with the trends all around the globe.

They are two types of fashion trend like micro. Micro trends short time trends and long time trends.

Keeping up with new trends is a fun way to dress fashionably and express you.   Fashion trends change so quickly, though, and it can be tough to keep up with that fast paced world’s

Glamorous and Exciting Career

Fashion designing field is called glamorous and fun to work in, it is all green pastures and clear sky, however. In reality, it involves a lot of hard work and bootleg to get it all to level where it become glamorous.    

Fashion designing is undoubtedly an exceptional career choice as it withholds a bright future due to its gaining popularity and steady money. The best part about fashion design is that it is not restricted to only clothes, it also comprises of accessories, jeweler, shoes and many more.

After a degree in this field, you can also work in the industry as merchandiser, production manager, quality controller, buying agent, and fashion designer. You can start business of garment export house, garment manufacturing unit and open a designer boutique, fashion houses or textile studios.

Some views about Apex University

Our undergraduate apparel design program and design graduate program apparel studies, elements of fashion design, pattern making, computer designing (cad, coral draw, photo- shop, and illustrator), garment construction, textile and apparel testing track also offer you the opportunity to bring a special focus to your studies.

At the undergraduate level you will be able to focus on the practical design and hands-on development of unique apparel products. Research concentrations at the graduate level include topics of sustainability, aesthetics, wearable technology, apparel history and culture, consumer behavior.

There are many types of job oriented course in Apex University related to fashion industries. Such types of that M.A/ in garment production and export management,B.A/ in garment production and export management, B.des in fashion design, pg diploma in garment production and export management and certificated courses like that fashion designing and apparel management, boutique management, pattern making ,fashion and styling. These all courses are designing by our excellent fashion experts in view of employment in fashion industries.

There are modern and sophisticated machine like that computerized juki sewing machines, boiler steam press, illustration lab, textile lab, computer lab.  We have Very learned faculty in Apex University. We have provided many job placements in export houses (merchandiser, production manager, quality controller) and many students are doing self business just like fashion studio, boutique , garment export business in all India. They are earned huge money in this field.

Friday 25 June 2021

Special Education – Concept and Nature


Ms. Kamlesh Panthri

Assistant Professor

Head of the Department Special Education

Today the world has touched new pinnacles of education and  is progressing in every field of education. Similarly it is rising in spreading its wings in the field of special education as well.

Earlier special children were not accepted and they were kept separate from the normal children today the parents are not only accepting their children with their special needs rather they have become so aware that they wish to bring their children and include them in the mainstream in as many ways as possible.

Because of this awareness and inspiration of parents the special education segment has taken a new boom and there is a high demand for special educators. As of now whether it is a mainstream school government, school special school or Sarva Shiksha abhiyan where ever we see there is a high demand for special educators.

Parents who realize even a slightest gap in the learning abilities of their children try and seek assistance from special educators. There seems to be a huge gap between the demand for and supply of special educator thus it has become pertinent for Apex School of Education to take a stride towards this area and bridge the gap for benefit of the masses.

Apex university is committed to provide the best quality education and mentor students to be versatile human beings by exposing them to various walks of life. Career in Special education will bring remarkable  serving to the society and encourage all  to move forward in the field of Special Education and starts B.Ed. (Special Education) and  Diploma (Special Education).

The B.Ed. (Special Education) and  Diploma (Special Education)program aims to develop a taskforce of the special teachers/educators who can deliver the best in all settings: inclusive, special, open or home based and in all the roles: classroom teacher, resource teacher, itinerant teacher or cross disability teacher facilitators teachers for children with disabilities for various settings.


Special Educators are not just restricted to schools and colleges, as one may expect. There are various facilities that need people with their specified skill set, like:

Appointment of special educator in now mandated by Government of India in every school.

As a special educators working at special schools, assisting students with special needs in their academic skills.

At Rehabilitation Centre: A large number of public and private rehabilitation centers that require special educators

Exploring the possibility of Setting up of personal resource center /day care exclusively for children with special needs.

Students can also work as RCI certified counsellor, trainer and independent free lancers in the area of training and education of children with special needs.

Exploring the possibility of Setting up of personal resource center /day care exclusively for children with special needs.

Major highlights

Special Education Program offered by the Department is approved by Rehabilitation Council of India and Government of Rajasthan

With increasing emphasis of various Governmental initiatives for the empowerment of people with Disability, education of children with disabilities is gaining its due importance. The program intends to prepare human and professional special educators who can contribute towards creation of progressive society through inclusive educational opportunities.

So move forward ,because Learning Knows no Bounds 

Thursday 24 June 2021

Why Study Library & Information Science?


Dr. Vinay Singh Kashyap

Contributor is working as Dean, Apex School of Library Science, Apex University; with an experience of more than 18 years in the field of Library and Information Science.

Presently acting as- Academician, Research supervisor, Student mentor.

Apex University, realizing the need of trained library personnel, instituted training courses in librarianship at School of Library Science in the year 2019. The School offers Diploma, Bachelor’s and Master’s in Library & Information Science along with Ph.D. programme.

The programmes are based on the practices and underlying theories of information acquisition, organization, dissemination and utilization. On completion of the courses, the students demonstrate the values, attitudes, and behaviours associated with the roles and responsibilities of information and library professionals in accordance with the market oriented employment.

The mission is not simply to ensure that each student gains adequate employment, but to prepare graduates to assume responsible positions in libraries and information centres.

Career/Career Opportunities in Library and Information Science

Librarianship as a profession provides a variety of employment opportunities. Today there are a number of career prospects in Library and Information Science. The qualified professionals are employed in various libraries and information Centers in:

  • School, College, Universities;
  • Central Government Libraries.
  • the training centers of banks.
  • National Museum and Archives;
  • NGOs working in different areas.
  • R&D Centre like ICAR, CSIR, DRDO, ICSSR, ICHR, ICMR, ICFRE, etc.
  • Foreign Embassies and High Commissions.
  • International Centers like WHO, UNESCO, UNO, World Bank etc.
  • the libraries of Ministries and other government departments.
  • National Level Documentation Centers.
  • Library Networks.
  • the newspaper libraries.
  • News Channels.
  • the Libraries of Radio Stations.
  • the Databases provider firms.
  • publishing companies for preparing Index, abstracts, bibliographies etc.
  • various digital library projects like ‘Digital Library of India’ etc.
  • Training Academies.

Why Choose Library and Information ? Future in Library and Information Science

Trained library professionals can find opportunities for employment both as teacher and as a Librarian. In Librarianship, designations could be Librarian, Documentation Officer, Assistant Librarian, Deputy Librarian, Scientist (Library Science/ Documentation), Library and Information Officer, Knowledge Manager/ Officer, Information Executive, Director/Head of Library Services, Information Officer, and Information Analyst.

Student of 12th class should know about Library and Information Science

Library and Information Science course is one of the vocational course at Senior secondary level and students after secondary examination can opt this skilled course in 11th and 12th standard .

  • Certificate course in Library and Information science (CLISc or CLIB)  Eligibility 10+2
  • Diploma course in Library and Information Science (DLISC or DLIB) Eligibility 10+2
  • Bachelor in Library and information science (BLISC or B.LIB) Eligibility Graduate in any discipline from recognized University
  • Master in Library and information Science (MLISC or M.LIB) Eligibility BLISc or B.LIB from recognized University
  • Ph.D in library and Information Science Eligibility MLISC from recognized University

How to choose perfect course?

As per the enquiry and interest of Student seeking information in our university we provide –

  • Proper counselling about course,
  • Job oppurtunities and placement information
  • Course curriculum and teaching methodology
  • Examination pattern and ontime results

This course enjoy a good reputation in the employment market. In view of the increasing use of computer and information technology in libraries, several universities in India also have started various courses focusing primarily on information technology and computer.

How Library and Information Science students can get a job

Persons possessing good academic record and adequate skills in computer and information technology, can look forward to a rewarding career in this profession.

Campus placement interview tips that will help you to get hired.

Personality development ,General Awareness and Reasoning  Aptitude and Knowledge of Subject

5 reasons to opt for Library and Information Science course.

The role of libraries in providing widespread and inclusive access to knowledge is widely acknowledged. In today’s context, libraries have to play two distinct roles – to serve as a local centre of information and knowledge, and be a local gateway to national and global knowledge. Some of the issues under consideration of National Knowledge Commission are:

  • institutional framework of libraries;
  • networking;
  • education, training and research;
  • modernization and computerization of libraries;
  • maintenance of private and personal collections and
  • staff requirements to meet changing needs.

This commission has recommended the formation for the National Library Commission to strengthen the Library networks in India.

The Department of Culture (DoC) has proposed setting up a National Mission for Libraries (NML) as a Central Sector Scheme. The NML will cover libraries under the DoC and the activities under it will include: National Census of Libraries; Modernisation including networking of Libraries under DoC; establishing Knowledge Centres and Digital Libraries.

Recently under National Mission for Libraries there is a proposal for establishing 7000 libraries having computers with internet facility across the country.

Is Library and Information Science a good career option ?

Need of hours and new trends and technologies in Libraries  has created new career options in Library and Information 

The salary varies depending upon the nature of the organizations. Many colleges and universities have adopted UGC scales of salary for the library staff. The library staff in the constituent units of large establishments of the Central Government,

such as Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) enjoy salary scales similar to those applicable to scientific staff. Opportunities for upwards mobility based on assessment of performance at intervals, make the job attractive.

Last two years, student activities, Department achievements, outcomes etc.

Appeared in Competition examination , Selected in Government service, skilled in one of the best course. Students enjoyed the tenure in learning and developing  skills in Librarianship. The interesting feature of the course was hands on practices. Below are some activities of department-

  1. Department  wise events details
    1. Visit to Central Library , University of Rajasthan
  • Visit to Dr RadhaKrishnan State Central Library
  • Differentiate your course to other

Library and Information Science is a profession that is full of people, passionate about making a positive change in the world, and they tend to be wildly happy about what they do. It is an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary field. In the age of digitization, librarians bridge the gaps that exist between people, information and technology.

              Mr Rabbinoor Singh – Librarian , Seedling Public School , Jaipur

  • Industrial Training

            Students have served different libraries neraby their residence.

  • Practical Exposure
    • Ninty hours trainning programme has been schdelde for all LIS students at each level . Students have to serve either foundation libraries or any other similar libraies.
    • Visit to well established Libraries .
  • Industry Tie ups

Tie up for internship in both Goernment and Private sector renowened Libraries is under process. 

Wednesday 23 June 2021

Human Resource Management – Relevance & Career Opportunities


Alita Beniwal

 Ph. D, UGC NET (Management), MBA (HRM)

Assistant Professor (Management)

Apex Business School, Apex University

“Businesses need to go beyond the interests of their companies to all the communities they serve” – Ratan Tata

“I am convinced that nothing we do is more important than hiring and developing people. At the end of the day, you bet on people not on strategies.” – Lawrence Bossidy

The quotes given here by eminent persons explains the importance of Human Resources in every walk of life. The heart and soul of any company lies in its HUMAN RESOURCES.

A Introduction of HRM

Human resources management is the practice of identifying, allocating and coordinating the human capital needs of an organization. It includes hiring, compensating, training, developing and retaining an organization’s employees. Human resources management covers several functions, such as recruitment, classification, compensation, benefits and performance management.

HRM is a management function involving procurement of suitable human resources, train and develop their competencies, motivate & reward them effectively and create in them an urge to be part of the management team whose aim should be dedicated, committed service for the success and growth of the organization.

Definition of HRM

HRM is concerned with the people working in the organization to achieve the objective of the organization. It concerns with acquisition of suitable human resources, developing their skills and competencies, motivating them for putting their best efforts and ensuring their continued commitment towards organizational objectives.

This definition incorporates every organization, i.e., industry, business, government, education, health or social welfare of the people

Human resource operations contribute significantly to the success of an organisation. Hence, human resource management has emerged as a popular course of study. But what does a course in human resource management entail and what is its importance in the business world? Let’s find out!

What is human resource management (HRM)?

HRM can be defined as the effective management of people in an organisation. HR managers helps bridge the gap between employees’ performance and the organisation’s strategic objectives. Moreover, an efficient HR management team can give firms an edge over their competition.

Role of HR managers

  • Recruitment: One of the major responsibilities of a HR manager is to recruit suitable personnel. The success of any organization largely depends on the quality of their workforce, so procuring human resource involves vital process that needs to be carefully planned and execution.
  • Learning and development: In order to keep pace with the changing global needs, human resource needs continuous training and development programs and policies. Learning is a continuous process and essential to enhance employees’ productivity. HR managers are responsible for the orientation and induction of new employees, as well as the professional development of existing employees. They are responsible for strategizing development programmes. Moreover, they must have the ability to identify and analyze the areas that employee’s improvement.
  • Building employee relations: Effective employee relations go a long way in boosting productivity and contributes significantly to an organisation’s success. Employee relations strategies are implemented to ensure that an organisation caters to the overall well-being of employees.
  • Compensation and benefits: A major component of a HR manager’s job role is handling compensation and benefits. They are responsible for devising compensation strategies, performance management systems and compensation structures, as well as negotiating pay and benefit packages with potential employees.
  • Importance of HR managers in organisations
  • Strategic management: This is envisioning future of an organisation by framing strategies to ensure the organisation achieves its business goals, as well as contribute significantly to the corporate decision-making process. It includes assessments of current workforce and planning for future procurement of manpower based on business needs.
  • Training and development: Since HR managers contribute significantly to training and development programmes, they also play a pivotal role in strengthening employer-employee relationships. This contributes to the growth of employees within the company, hence enhancing employee satisfaction and productivity.
  • Communication within employees: HR managers are responsible for enhancing mutual trust, moral and motivation of employees by continuous communication. A good communication system with employees instils a sense of trust and respect among peers.
  • Conflict management: Provision for special grievance department is encapsulated to resolve conflicts timely and efficiently. HR department ensures that conflicts are resolved effectively with unbiased attitude among employees. In addition, HR policies are planned in a way to make employees develop effective work relationships.
  • Establishing a healthy work culture: A healthy work culture is crucial in bringing out the best in employees. HR managers contribute significantly in setting up a healthy and friendly work culture, which further translates into better productivity among employees.
  • Compliance: HR professionals work towards making the organisation compliant with employment laws, as well as maintaining records of hiring processes and applicants’ log.

HR professionals show exemplary leadership skills and enhance the credibility of an organisation. The human resource management process ensures that the organisation leads by example and the firm’s actions fall in line with its vision.

Career Opportunities in Human Resources Management

Human resources management can be a rewarding career for people who enjoy helping others find satisfaction and fulfilment in their work. Effective human resources management is compliant with applicable employment regulations and helps create a corporate culture where employees feel valued.

Understanding the different functions and careers within human resources management can help you decide if it is the right career path for you. Here, in this blog we have define human resources management and provide information about 10 careers in this field.

How to become a human resources manager?

Becoming a human resources manager requires obtaining education, experience, and certification in human resources:

1. Pursue an education

Graduate from a college or university with a degree in human resources or a related discipline. Research for education requirements for human resources managers at your preferred companies to determine if graduate or postgraduate education is necessary.

2. Gain relevant work experience

You can gain initial experience in the industry as a human resources assistant or associate. This experience can help you decide if you want to pursue a career in human resources and expose you to the different specialties in the field. Since there are several specialties in the industry, you can choose to be a specialist in one area of human resources, or a generalist with basic knowledge in the different functions of the industry. Whether or not you choose a specialty, building extensive experience in the industry is the best path to becoming a human resources manager.

3. Earn professional certifications

Experience and education in human resources management are necessary to meet eligibility requirements for highly sought professional certifications, such as a senior professional in human resources. These accreditations increase your marketability as a human resources manager. Research different certifications to identify one that supports your career goals. When you meet the education and experience requirements, you can apply for the certification, then study for and pass the exam.

4. Lead or manage human resources projects

While in junior positions, seek opportunities to lead different human resources management projects for your organization. Recommend and manage small projects and tasks within a larger function to grow as a human resources management professional and demonstrate your abilities to senior managers in your organization.

5. Prepare your resume

You can include your highest level of education, technical or other related certifications, and your relevant work history on a resume. Your work experience section should consist of company names, the dates you worked there and a summary of your responsibilities, contributions and achievements. An effective resume can help you obtain the human resources manager job you want.

6. Apply to a human resources manager position

After earning education, certifications and experience, review the current job market for your preferred companies and geographic location. Select positions you are qualified for based on required years of experience as well as level and type of education.

This step can ensure you optimize your job search and increase the likelihood that employers contact you for an interview. Use the resume you crafted as well as a personalized cover letter that summarizes your suitability for that specific role and company.

Human resources management careers

Here are some examples of careers in human resource management to help you choose the path that is best for you:

  1. Human resources assistant
  2. Benefits administrator
  3. Payroll specialist
  4. Training coordinator
  5. Compensation specialist
  6. Training manager
  7. HRIS specialist
  8. Employee relations manager
  9. Benefits manager
  10. Human resources manager