Saturday 2 February 2013

Industry- Institute Partnership

Better interaction between technical institutions and industries is the need of global economy. This provides exposure of industrial atmosphere to students and also subsequent placement in industries across the country. This Interaction also enhances Knowledge sharing of latest Technology.  With the advent of globalization and opening up the Indian economy to outside world, competitions among industries have become stiff. To solve their problems they took up now to technical institutions. Industries also try to increase the employability of the students and to prepare the students to meet the expectation of the industries. To achieve these objectives, Apex Group of Institutions has made meaningful efforts in bridging this gap between industry and academic institutes.
Apex Group of Institutions is proud to be member of MICROSOFT IT ACADEMY, MSDN AA and TECHNET.APEX group also feels proud with its new collaboration to HP EDUCATION SERVICES.

To promote industry- Institute Interaction, Apex Group of Institutions have undertaken the following steps.
·         Establishment of industry- Institute partnership/Interaction Cells.
·         Organizing workshops, conferencing and symposia with joint participation of faculty and industries.
·      Joint Research Programme and Field Studies by Faculty and People from Industries.
·    Visit of Faculty to Industry for study and discussion or delivering lecture on subjects of mutual      interest.
·         Human Resource Management   by Faculty and People from Industries.
·         Practical Training of Students In Industry.
·       Memoranda of Understanding between the Institute and industry to bring the two sides emotionally and strategically closer.
·         Strong Alumni Association which helps in exploring new job opportunities.
·   Training programs are organized by inviting eminent speakers from the industries.