Monday 22 June 2015


The Father's Day is a day set aside to show respect to our fathers. Father’s day isn’t so much about taking the accolades of a job well done. But it is   the opportunity to express thanks to our Daddy for all their unconditional love and affection. So in this busy fast going life we spare some time to be with our father and bid him thanks for his kind love and whatever he has done to create our bright future.
 In every person's life the role of his father is very significant. Rarely anyone exists in this world who doesn’t consider his father as his first hero. From the first day when a child learns to walk by holding his father’s hand the responsibilities of his father start emerging. Before a child begins to understand the language and start recognizing his parents, a father has already done so many things for his child.

The way he always remains with his family as strength no one recognize that how strong he has to be for this. He never shows his weak side to us, he always stays strong and keeps encouraging his children. He carries so much pressure of his work, his family or anything regarding his life but we still find him very calm and understanding.
To understand a father is not easy as he never shows his soft side, he never shares anything and most of the time we find him following a routine in which he is so restricted that he even forgets about his happiness. But still he does all those things to just make his family smile.

We write so many articles or poems about father but still we become spellbound as his sacrifices and his hardships for the family are just beyond the description of words. I know we can never repay him for what he has done for us. But still words can define and express what we have in our heart.
So here’s a day to say “I love you,” and “I think you're the best Dad a kid could ever have.” A word of thanks, a day of rest, an appreciative hug and the three simple words “I love you” are priceless!! A lot of love and appreciation is the best gift we can give him. This helps us to appreciate the selfless care and protection provided by our father

Now let’s make this day very special and cherish all those joyous moments spent together with our Dad!