Wednesday 23 June 2021

Is Mass Communication a Good Career Option?


Definitely , Mass Communication is a good career option which gives you a various career option like Radio, PR, Journalism, Film making and many more. Careers in the various branches of mass communication are not only high paying but also provide the person with a great deal of job satisfaction and expression of creativity.

Let’s understand what is communication in the context of mass communication? Communication can be a major part of everyone’s life. Communication has started at a very early age. In ancient times, people used to draw pictures on the walls and sands to communicate, later people talked, then came telephone and now people are using cell phones. But if a piece of certain information is needed to be reached out to a large part of people at a time, then it is called Mass Communication.

What You Can do With a Journalist Degree:- 

Students passing out from the J&MC course have opportunities galore not just in the news media industry but in various other sectors as well. These opportunities may typically be in found such organizations/fields as-

  • Newspapers and magazines—both print and online (for jobs like editing, reporting, photography, content writing, web designing, graphic designing etc.) 
  • Radio AM and FM stations (for jockeying, production and programming)
  • TV channels (reporting, editing, production, programming, guest relations, camerapersons, software and graphics etc.)
  • Digital media companies for Content writing—in all formats
  • Advertising agencies
  • Corporates (in their Communications and Marketing divisions)
  • Government Media Departments
  • PR agencies
  • Event Management Companies
  • Media Research Companies
  • Legal Firms (for their documentation and research work)
  • NGOs (for their communications and documentation roles)
  • Think tanks (as journalists cover politics, economy, foreign affairs, many a time they get hired by such organizations for their in-depth knowledge in these fields)
  • Lecturers/Professors of Media Studies
  • Media advisers to Governments/Political parties
  • Travel Journalism
  • Freelance opportunities