Friday 31 December 2021


WELCOME 2022!!!

Ohh!! It's time for new year celebrations. New year is just round the corner and so is our new year party planning. Last two years have taught us one important thing: life doesn't go according to one's plans. It's very unpredictable. To make sense, we all have received a reality check on what we have done and what we want to do. So it's time that we  gear up and make new year resolutions.

It took us some time to set goals for students as well as for us. But yay!! We succeeded in setting up slight unique and different goals for our students. Our resolutions are a combination of learning from the past and preparation for the future. 

Here are some fantastic goals for 2022.


 Guys! It's time to learn something new. As time passed , we all got busy with planning our future, setting up targets and doing the same old everyday work. This led us to somewhere bury our urge of learning new skills. So let's dig up our passion, brush and work towards achieving them. Learning will not only make one understand it better but some may also make a step forward to one’s dream job. And who knows that simple learning may also lead to a successful career.  


“I want to do this because my parents said so” , “I want to make my career in that field because my friends are making theirs”. Many times we hear these dialogues. But why? Because most of the students just follow the path that others have done or are doing so. But we need to ask ourselves, are we happy doing it? Are we following the right career path? A student needs to analyze themselves.  Brainstorming, discussing with mentors, hearing the experiences of teachers, parents, idols are the best ways to save the sinking boat. With so many swimmers, surely the student won't drown, and will learn to swim. But the efforts have to be put in by the student himself.


Health is wealth, a statement which has lost its core meaning. But during the pandemic, we couldn't turn a  blind eye towards our health. So it's high time we seriously  follow the tagline. Screen the eating habits, play a sport, practice yoga and meditation. Basically take steps which help you get one step ahead to get good health. And take a note, good health is directly connected with good mental health.


Savings is a very important habit that should be grabbed by everyone irrespective of how big is their pocket. Savings are preparing for the future. Budgeting your expenses can help you save more and spend less. It will also make you understand the difference between necessity and luxury. Saving a penny from the pocket money can make a huge difference later. Quite a challenge but what life without challenges. Let's make it simple. Target yourself on the start date and work towards achieving it till the end date. Surely the target achieved will be your savings. 


Society we live in also needs to be taken care of. We can't make a perfect society overnight but even a small gesture can give immense pleasure and satisfaction. Like participating in blood donation camps, planting trees in the neighborhood. Explain the importance and duty towards our society and environment. Make a promise to give a small, little part of our lives to the surrounding around us.


College activities are the most fun part of college life. It helps a student explore so many new ideas. Many great game changers have emerged from these talent exploring fests. Talent hunters wait for these yearly fests to get their talents. Whether it's TECHNOAAGAZ or SPHOOTI, students should always participate and give themselves a chance. Look for such activities that interest you and give your best shot. And then the sky's the limit. 


Being alone in a new university can be daunting if you don't know anyone. Meeting new people or expanding your friendship group can be done through various sources. Join a cultural club which interests you in the university. Friends made in college hostels most times turn out to be friends for life. Canteens are the best place to make friends, make use of break time. Say hi to your classmates, never know you may find your best friend sitting just besides you. These efforts will surely give you some good friends and best memories, which you’ll thank later.

These are the top 8 resolutions that APEX university will focus on in 2022. They are great ways to improve yourself and your study. They will surely make your 2022 a little better than the previous year. Many more resolutions can be added here. Let us know which resolution you want to add up to the list. HAPPY 2022.